Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Check Everyone with Employee Background Checks

Economic and financial crisis have changed employment practices all over the world, including the States. With the high turnover rates of the workforce, human resources department of each company should work harder to compare and pick out the best applicant for the job. Competency no longer holds the best criteria for any jobs. Because of the different backgrounds potential employees have, it is only necessary to also look into their criminal histories. Employers not only discover the applicant’s previous work experience, he also discovers the personality of his applicant. Performing “due diligence” searches over potential applicants can help your company avoid any future problems with the workforce, security as well as trust and integrity issues.

Courts have ruled that once you hired an employee and started working in your company, whatever happens to the person while working will be the company’s responsibility. In some cases, simple office fights can turn into a huge litigation process. The courts would subpoena two important documents from the company when litigation becomes a reality. These include the company’s policy on violence and violent acts at work and the background check that the company has conducted on the employees under litigation. It will be a big problem if the company fails to conduct background check on employees who have committed violent acts at work.

If the plaintiff’s attorney conducts their own background check and find that the defendant really have a history of violent acts, it will be a huge problem for the company who have failed to run their own background check. It should be an outmost concern to the HR department to ensure that criminals are not hired into the company. These people move from place to place, looking for work and searching for companies where they can squeeze into and work without being noticed and keeping their histories a secret. Weak and untrained HR departments are vulnerable to these kinds of problems so it is very important to take background checks seriously. Criminal are bound to commit the same crimes sooner or later, so HR departments should never take this process for granted and instead, use it to best of its advantage.

As an employer, you should educate yourself and your HR department with what the courts have to say about employee background check. While you make sure that your perspective employee’s records are being checked, consider the federal as well as the state laws that will apply. Do not stick on the local levels and instead, try to search on state and national levels for any important data on the person. Check their driver’s license, Social security number and their credit history. Even while you’re at it, make sure that you follow any rules that the federal law and the state laws about criminal background checks in your area.

Background checks are great tools that can help you and your company avoid troubles and save you million of money from potential lawsuits that hiring criminals accidentally can cause you. So educate yourself and your company with the best and legal ways to conduct background checks to arm your company from untoward events in the future.

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